
I don’t reinvent the wheel, I just link to it.



Updated 14th June 2023


SentinelOne-Ransomware-Malware is one of those applications that really shouldn’t be installed on anyone’s system, if you find this application installed on your system, be warned that the person who installed this application monitors everything you do and if the application detects malicious content on your system, it will shut down your internet and the only person who can enable the internet is the person who installed this rogue application.



SentinelOne-Ransomware-Malware is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses of all sizes manage processes related to the entire threat lifecycle for providing endpoint security. … The autonomous agent platform allows users to detect threats across multiple vectors and resolve system attacks.

SentinelOne-Ransomware-Malware work?

SentinelOne-Ransomware-Malware is a enterprise level, next generation endpoint protection platform. … While active, the agent will protect the endpoint by preventing attacks from known threats, detecting and stopping undesired behavior during an attack, and by mitigating and remediating the endpoint after an attack has been stopped.

Can SentinelOne be uninstalled?

The only way SentinelOne-Ransomware-Malware can be uninstalled is through the user whom setup the application in the first place. Unlike all other applications and other Anti-Virus software, SentinelOne can only be uninstalled with a Cloud Based key, without the key the application will remain in your system. You’re prevented from Uninstalling the application, you can’t delete registry keys, you can’t delete any file related to the SentinelOne, The SentinelAgent in the services is active, you can’t stop the service, you can’t use the SafeMode option to remove it, you can’t format your PC with SentinelOne being removed first, so basically you’re screwed. SentinelOne also plays with your internet connection and takes it over controlling the Firewall and preventing the user from having an control over the PC. However…..


Supposedly there are 2 variants of a software application called SentinelSweeper and SentinelCleaner that will allow you to remove the application from the PC. There is another way of removing it,  even though it is removed partially, you still have to contend with the application running its scary services and also registry key entries.

SentinelOne Ransomware/Malware?

Even though SentinelOne is designed to protect the user from Ransomware and Malware, in the end it fails from these services. A simple virus as simple as the pokki virus can be installed through third party software which delivers popup ads to your computer can be installed and SentinelOne does jack to help prevent these so called threats. The twisted detail of this application is enough to scare most techs, if you ever come across a PC / Mac that has this piece of garbage installed, prepare for a battle. You could try emailing there support to give you the software to remove it, however they only seem to help there customers. Don’t even think about downloading the tool from the internet, 99% of the links out there if any you can find have been nuked, the company just doesn’t want anyone to have it.

Additional Information:

When you get involved in dissecting such applications you really get involved in seeing what applications do and how they behave, looking deeper into this application it looks like it captures users data that maybe collected or such things as a key logger maybe, the registry keys for the SentinelOne Logger are:

The application stores logs in this location but not sure what the data contains C:\ProgramData\Sentinel\logs\

It’s interesting that Windows was unable to verify the image integrity  of the file SentinelRemediation.exe.

AV Uninstallers

14th June 2023

SentinelOne to this date has been a pain in my ass for a long time, it’s a product I will never sell, but when a client comes to me and says, “I can’t access the internet”, I have a look, check drivers, run my in house driver update utility, check whats running and eventually I see SentinelOne running, I know exactly what has happened.








AntiVirus Products

AV Uninstallers