
I don’t reinvent the wheel, I just link to it.


Wilenty AIO Runtime Libraries

Wilenty AIO Runtime Libraries

Wilenty AIO Runtime Libraries

Before using this program, I must alert you that, sometimes, it’s detected as a virus but it’s completely virus/spyware/malware/adware free.

Before using this program, you must be sure your OS is correctly working and malware free.
The 2015 version is installed only on Windows XP / 2003 / 2003×64 / XPx64, and the 2017 version from Windows Vista (32/64) and above.
The program has extensive parameters of the command line, which can be found in: “MENU” -> “PARAMETERS?”
If the message with the missing DLL file appeared during program startup, use the “Need a DLL?” Option.


AIO Runtime Libraries (Installer/Uninstaller) Includes:
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2005×64: 8.0.61186 {All x64 systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2008×64: 9.0.30729.7523 {All x64 systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2010×64: 10.0.40219.473 {All x64 systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2012×64: 11.0.61135.400 {All x64 systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2013×64: 12.0.40664.00 {All x64 systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2015×64: 14.0.24516.00 {XPx64 / 2003×64}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2017×64: 14.16.27012.06 {Vistax64 / W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1×64 / W10x64}
Windows 10 Universal CRT: KB2999226+KB3118401 {Vistax64 / W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1×64}
MSXML 6 Service Pack 2 (x64): 6.20.2017.0 {XPx64 / 2003×64}
Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package – SE (x64): 2.0.50728 {XPx64 / 2003×64}
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x64): 10.0.60830 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1×64 / W10x64}
Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012: 11.0.60603 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1×64}
Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2013 – Update 1: 12.0.30918 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1×64}
Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2015: 14.0.23829 {W7x64 / W8x64 / W8.1×64 / W10x64}
(The ‘+’ mark at the end of ‘x86+’ means that it also applies to x64 systems.)
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2005×86: 8.0.61187 {All x86+ systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2008×86: 9.0.30729.7523 {All x86+ systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2010×86: 10.0.40219.473 {All x86+ systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2012×86: 11.0.61135.400 {All x86+ systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2013×86: 12.0.40664.00 {All x86+ systems}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2015×86: 14.0.24516.00 {XPx86+ / 2003×86+}
Visual C++ Runtime Libraries 2017×86: 14.16.27012.06 {Vistax86+ / W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+ / W10x86+}
Windows 10 Universal CRT: KB2999226+KB3118401 {Vistax86 / W7x86 / W8x86 / W8.1×86}
MSXML 6 Service Pack 2: 6.20.2017.0 {XPx86+ / 2003×86+}
MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser: 4.30.2117.0 {XPx86+ / 2003×86+}
Visual J# 2.0 Redistributable Package – SE: 2.0.50728 {XPx86+ / Vistax86+ / W7x86+}
Visual F# 2.0 Runtime (x86): 10.0.40219 {XPx86+ / Vistax86+ / W7x86+}
Visual F# 3.0 Installer (x86): 11.0.50727 {XPx86+ / Vistax86+ / W7x86+}
Visual F# 3.1.2: 12.0.30815 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+}
Visual F# 4.0: 14.0.23020 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+ / W10x86+}
Visual F# 4.1 SDK: 14.0.23801 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+ / W10x86+}
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime: 10.0.60830 {W7x86 / W8x86 / W8.1×86 / W10x86}
Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2012: 11.0.60603 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+}
Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2013 – Update 1: 12.0.30918 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+}
Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2015: 14.0.23829 {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+ / W10x86+}
Visual C++ Compiler Package for Python 2.7: {W7x86+ / W8x86+ / W8.1×86+}
Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system: 12.0.6514.5001 {XPx86+ / 2003×86+ / Vistax86+ / W7x86+}
Old 32bit Runtimes (x86+):
Visual C++ 2002: 7.0.9975.0
Visual C++ 2003: 7.10.6119.0
Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls:
Visual Basic 5.0 Runtime:
Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime: 6.00.9782
Old 16bit Runtimes (x86 only):
Visual Basic 4.0 runtime library:

AIO Runtime Libraries [LC] by Wilenty