
I don’t reinvent the wheel, I just link to it.


GeGeek Motor Cycle Crash

GeGeek Motor Cycle Crash


On May 23rd 2018 location Mount Nebo, Queensland, Australia, I was involved in a serious accident. The accident happened when I was traveling at 70klms down Mount Nebo Road, approaching a slight turn to the right and I over-steered the corner in the left lane and ended up riding in the gutter. The gutter is basically dirt, holes and to the left of this is an embankment.

The motorcycle was slammed into the embankment on the left side, moved forward about 5m before being slammed on the right side and sliding, the bike slid for about 10m before being flipped back to the left side. Whilst all this was happening I was getting images in my head of my wife, the times we spent together, our wedding, watching her smile, then it all went blank.

Eventually the bike came to a halt, through that whole time I was still on the bike and not letting go, I was too scared.

Once the bike had stopped I had come off, I was on all fours and with the Adrenalin pumping through my body, I was shaking, nervous, scared and thinking what the fuck just happened, OMFG is my bike ok.

Behind me were 2 cars whom had stopped and got out and asked me if I was ok, I just kept repeating myself and asking what the hell happened, I was also winded.

I don’t know how much time went past but when I was on my feet I remember telling the person whom spoke to me I was with someone else whom had rode ahead, the other car went ahead looking for him and brought him back. Other cars also stopped to check if I was ok. I asked this person if they could help me lift the bike up and put on the stand.

It was at that point I remember trying to lift the helmet from my face, its one of those that flips up from the front, I couldn’t flip it up, eventually I did.

My friend eventually came back and I went and hugged him, I was in shock and just WTF!!!

The bike was cosmetically fucked, but overall seemed to be ok, the bike started fine. I was asked if I wanted to ride it down the road, I agreed, but when I tried to get on the bike, I couldn’t move my left arm, something was seriously wrong. Eventually my friend rode it down. The person whom stopped he drove me down to the bottom of the hill at this park and ride.

The ambulance was called and I was taken to hospital.

One broken collarbone and one broken first rib.

Been off work now into my 5th week.

Since the accident I have struggled with daily chores like getting dressed or even having a shower.

I get my 2nd physio on July 2nd 2018.

Probably wont be until October/November before I ride again.

Here are some photos

** First Physio went ok. Still not allowed to work. Second appt is on the 30th July 2018. Still sore but trying to work through it.






































































































9th October 2018

It’s now been a few months since the accident and who would of know for someone who has never broken a bone just how much pain one would still be in. I am currently seeing the physio weekly and it is slowly starting to help. My bones are recovering slowly but I was only asked yesterday 8th October if I would consider surgery to fix the shoulder (Collarbone break) or continue with physio. Physio definitely. I didn’t want to risk surgery knowing behind the collarbone are several major arteries to the brain and it could end up being worse for me.

The bike on the other hand is also getting its own physio and slowly coming back from a recovery. I do plan on riding again but I am in no rush to get back out there just yet.

19th October 2018

After weeks of physio, I have now been cleared by the physio for a full recovery. I still have pain in my arm and shoulder but I am well on my way to getting better.

27th October 2018

The motorcycle is back to a riding state and thank you for your messages of hope and support.