
I don’t reinvent the wheel, I just link to it.

Windows 7

Installing Win7 from USB

Installing Win7 from USB





Installing Win7 from USB


Creating a Windows Install USB Drive for Netbooks

The first thing you need to do is open an elevated command prompt.

Installing Win7 from USB













Next we need to use the diskpart command line tool:
Installing Win7 from USB














Now we need to identify which disk is our USB, you can use the following command to find out:
list disk

Installing Win7 from USB













Once you have your disk number you will need to select it:
select disk 1

Installing Win7 from USB













Now we need to wipe all the existing partitions off the drive, you can do this by using the clean
command: clean

Installing Win7 from USB













Next we need to create a single primary partition on the USB:
create partition primary

Installing Win7 from USB













Now give the new partition a file system:
format fs=fat32 quick

Installing Win7 from USB













It is crucial to mark the partition as active, so that Windows knows which partition to boot from:

Installing Win7 from USB













Finally we need to give our USB a drive letter so that we can copy the installation files to it.
To do that we need to get a list of volumes on our machine:
list volume

Installing Win7 from USB













You will easily be able to identify the correct volume by looking at the size column, once you have
found it go ahead and select it: select volume 3

Installing Win7 from USB













Then assign it a drive letter that is not is use: assign letter=F

Installing Win7 from USB













Now open explorer and select all the files on your Windows DVD and send them to your USB.

Installing Win7 from USB













Of course in the real world we would use a utility to do this for us.


Disable USB

Restart Explorer

Rescue Disks