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Windows 7

Repair Disk Options




Options When Booting From the Windows 7 Repair Disk

Startup Repair: This repair option offers to repair the boot sector of Win 7, ie the repair of the Windows bootloader, Choose this if you have problems starting windows normally.
System Restore: This second repair option allows you to restore Win7 registry to an earlier date before your system had any issues.
Image Recovery system Windows 7: This option may be used to reload a previously created disk image if you created one with Windows’ internal backup program previously.
Memory Diagnostic Windows 7: This will help you diagnose a potential problem with the RAM on your computer.
Command Prompt Windows 7: This choice will open a command prompt to perform a repair manually.

Windows 7 DOS Prompt Commands –  Manual Repairs
1> bootrec.exe ⁄FixMbr             Fixes MBR
2> bootrec.exe ⁄FixBoot            Fixes system partition’s boot sector
3> bootrec.exe ⁄RebuildBcd     Fixes Boot Configuration Data (BCD)
4> bcdedit ⁄export C:\BCD_Backup     Creates a new BCD
           cd boot
           attrib bcd -s -h -r
           ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
           bootrec ⁄RebuildBcd
5> bootrec.exe ⁄ScanOs   Scans all disks for installations not listed in BCD
6> chkdsk c: ⁄f ⁄r             ⁄f  ⁄r will both fix errors and recover lost data.
     chkdsk ⁄x – Forces the volume to dismount first.