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Windows Server

Server 2016

Server 2016





Top Windows Server 2016 Features
Nano Server is a remotely administered server operating system optimized for private clouds and datacenters. It is similar to Windows Server in Server Core mode, but significantly smaller, has no local logon capability, and only supports 64-bit applications, tools, and agents. It takes up far less disk space, sets up significantly faster, and requires far fewer updates and restarts than Windows Server. When it does restart, it restarts much faster.
Containers If you are familiar with Docker, then Windows containers work the same way as Docker. But what is a container you might ask? A container a partition isolation where an application can run without affecting the rest of the system and without the system affecting the application. Containers are managed by the kernel in the operating system, so you can run multiple containers on the same operating system. That’s the reason why containers are so popular, and are the next step in the virtualization evolution.
Rolling upgrades for Hyper-V and Storage clusters this feature is a relief for many admins. The new rolling upgrades feature allows you to add a new Windows Server 2016 node to a Hyper-V cluster with nodes that are running Windows Server 2012 R2. The cluster will continue to run at the Windows Server 2012 R2 functional level until all of the cluster nodes have been upgraded to Windows Server 2016. When the cluster has mixed level nodes the management must be done from Windows Server 2016 or Windows 10. New VMs on a mixed cluster will be compatible with the Windows Server 2012 R2 feature set.
Add RAM and Network adapters to running VMs without shutting down. In Windows Server 2016 you will be able to add⁄remove network adapters in running VMs. No need to shut them down. The same thing for RAM.
Nested Virtualization With this new feature you will be able to run Hyper-V within in a VM. This is good for testing environments.
Secure Boot support for Linux in Windows Server 2016 you will be able to run Linux distributions using the Gen2 option.
Docker Support if you are running Docker containers in your network, then you will be able to manage those containers from Windows Server 2016. You will be able to manage Docker containers, and Hyper-V containers within the same panel.
Windows Server 2016 Tutorials
 Windows Server 2016 Beginners Tutorials Youtube
 Windows Server 2016 Articles