How can I create an iPhone X home screen app icon from scratch (no stock images)?

How can I create an iPhone X home screen app icon from scratch (no stock images)?

  1. Determine the app icon design: Before you start creating the app icon, you should have a clear idea of the design you want. Consider the colors, shapes, and other elements that will make your app stand out.
  2. Choose a design tool: There are many design tools available that you can use to create your app icon, such as Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, or Figma. Choose the tool that you are most comfortable with.
  3. Create a new document: Create a new document in your design tool with the dimensions of 1024 pixels by 1024 pixels. This is the standard size for app icons.
  4. Start designing: Using the design elements you have chosen, start creating your app icon. Use shapes, lines, and colors to create a unique and visually appealing design. You can also add text if you wish.
  5. Test your design: Once you have finished designing your app icon, test it on an iPhone X to see how it looks on the home screen. You can use a tool like TestFlight to install your app icon on your iPhone X.
  6. Refine your design: If you are not satisfied with your app icon, refine your design until you are happy with the result.
  7. Export your design: Once you are satisfied with your app icon, export it as a PNG file with the dimensions of 180 pixels by 180 pixels. This is the size that Apple requires for app icons on the iPhone X home screen.
  8. Create the app: Finally, you can use Xcode or another development tool to create your app and include your custom app icon in the project.