
I don’t reinvent the wheel, I just link to it.


The GeGeek Tech Toolkit

Still Alive with GeGeek – May 2023

The GeGeek Tech Toolkit – Our toolkit over the years has been used by thousands of computer techs worldwide, the increased development of the toolkit and simplistic use to allow a user who was either fresh out of school and landed a very cool computer tech job or the computer tech with many years of experience, the number one rule for our toolkit is to always make sure that the toolkit is NOT complicated to use.

Our database of software applications and over 60+ categories of software that I took the time to invest and investigate as well as building a trust with over 20,000 computer techs who have used our software with a 110% guarantee that none of the software that is packaged with The GeGeek Tech Toolkit contained our sort of malicious content, the brand you’ve gotten to know as GeGeek.

Unlike a lot of other tech USB’s on the market and developed also by other really good people around the world, what makes us uniquely different apart from the community driven aspect, is really taking the time to let the drive force come from the community, the ideas that they share, from the design aspect through to the software used to delivery, this made us stand out well with the community and also anyone else who used our software.

In the beginning I made the software really easy to use, sure it was released via donation only, but then people started to abuse the toolkit and really tried to give us a bad name, we took steps to try and make this better but at the same time also made it complicated for many users which pushed a lot of people away.

I needed to get those people back since they were the people from the beginning that really stood by and watched us grow. So it was back to the drawing board to try and develop something completely different that could be used by anyone from a 10 year old to an 80 year old, it didn’t matter about the age, what mattered was, is this going to be easy to use.

Development of the toolkit started, but this time it needed to be done in stages, our first rank is our launcher, a place that would be dedicated for anyone to access, download the toolkit and use without any issues, able to follow simple instructions if it was the first time they had touched a piece of software.

With our launcher in place our next step is building the actual toolkit, there is more to a tech USB that just providing the tools to help that tech and from past experience with all my followers we all know what it takes to build a massive feast.

For every single person out there that donated and invested the time into the toolkit, this really put us on the map, we’ve been around for a very long time.

So for the last year we’ve put a hold on the toolkit, our software stopped production and mainly for personal reasons.

So I just wanted to reach out to the community and say thank you for sticking it out with me, it certainly means a lot, I have a lot of people following me and I just wanted to reassure you that I am still here.

If you still want to support us, please consider something from the GeGeek Clothing Shop. Thank you.

GeGeek – Jason – August 2021

The GeGeek Tech Toolkit