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Windows 10

Reset Group Policy Editor




Reset Group Policy Editor

These spreadsheets list the policy settings for computer and user configurations that are included in the Administrative template files delivered with the Windows operating systems specified. You can configure these policy settings when you edit Group Policy Objects.

Group Policy Settings Reference for Windows and Windows Server – Download

Download Group Policy Editor

This reference of security settings provides information about how to implement and manage security policies, including setting options and security considerations.

This reference focuses on those settings that are considered security settings. This reference examines only the settings and features in the Windows operating systems that can help organizations secure their enterprises against malicious software threats. Management features and those security features that you cannot configure are not described in this reference.

Each policy setting described contains referential content such as a detailed explanation of the settings, best practices, default settings, differences between operating system versions, policy management considerations, and security considerations that include a discussion of vulnerability, countermeasures, and potential impact of those countermeasures.

In this section

Topic Description
Account Policies An overview of account policies in Windows and provides links to policy descriptions.
Audit Policy Provides information about basic audit policies that are available in Windows and links to information about each setting.
Security Options Provides an introduction to the settings under Security Options of the local security policies and links to information about each setting.
Advanced security audit policy settings Provides information about the advanced security audit policy settings that are available in Windows and the audit events that they generate.
User Rights Assignment Provides an overview and links to information about the User Rights Assignment security policy settings user rights that are available in Windows.

Press Windows Key + R on your keyboard to launch Run prompt. Enter gpedit.msc and hit Enter to open Local Group Policy Editor.

2. Navigate to the following path on the left side pane of Group Policy Editor window:

Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > All Settings

3. Now, on the right side window, sort the policy settings by State column so that all those policies which are Enabled/Disabled currently can be accessed on the top.

4. Up next, change their state from Enabled/Disabled to Not Configured and apply the settings.

5. Repeat the same for the below path as well.

Local Computer Policy > User Configuration > Administrative Templates > All Settings

6. This will restore all Group Policy settings to the default state. However, if you are facing some serious issues like the loss of administrator privileges or debarred from logging in, then you can try creating a new profile from scratch.