What is 3D Printing

What is 3D Printing

What is 3D Printing






What is 3D Printing – 3Dprinting is an automated additive manufacturing process, where a 3D printer creates a physical model based on digital data (a 3D object). There are a number of various 3D printing technologies, but the most commonly used one, called FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication), is simple: an object is created layer by layer by melting a strand of plastic. Imagine that you would take a 3D object and slice it into thin pieces – like a potato into potato chips. Then, you would take a glue gun and “draw” each layer with hot glue.

This is generally how objects are printed – it’s an additive method, because we’re adding material. It’s directly opposite to the subtractive method, which consists of machining of existing material.

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