
I don’t reinvent the wheel, I just link to it.

Windows 10

Cortana WhizzleShamizzle

Cortana WhizzleShamizzle


Cortana is your truly personal digital assistant

Cortana is designed to help you get things done. Ready on day one to provide answers and complete basic tasks, Cortana learns over time to become more useful every day. Count on Cortana to stay on top of reminders and work across your devices.


Getting Started












Open Cortana

Discover what Cortana can do for you

Cortana is great at reminders and helping you keep your commitments. She can remind you to do things based on time, places or even people. You can also add a photo to your reminder as an easy visual cue.

Time-based reminders

Set a reminder with a specific time or day, such as 3 p.m. or every Monday, so Cortana can remind you exactly when you need to know.

















Location-based reminders

Set a reminder with a location, such as the supermarket, so Cortana can remind you to pick up milk the next time you are shopping.
















Photo reminders

Add a photo to your reminders, like your child’s favorite game, so you are reminded about it the next time you’re shopping.

















Cortana-enabled apps

Cortana has a team of experts – more than a thousand apps and services that she partners with to help you get things done. Cortana can order lunch when you are pressed for time.

View Cortana Apps