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Windows 10

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle

Here’s how to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update

The April 2018 Update is available today if you go to Windows Update and manually check for updates. We will begin the global rollout out via Windows Update on May 8. As with previous rollouts, we will use real-time quality feedback to smartly update your device when we have data that shows your device is ready and will have a great experience. You don’t have to do anything to get the update; it will roll out automatically to you through Windows Update if you’ve chosen to have updates installed automatically on your device. Once the download is complete and the update is ready to install, we’ll notify you, so you can pick the right time to finish the installation and reboot, so the update does not disrupt you.

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle









The adoption rate of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update was the fastest of any version of Windows 10, making it the most widely used version of Windows 10. During the Fall Creators Update roll out we pilot tested machine learning (ML) to intelligently select devices that our feedback data indicated would have a great update experience. The results from the pilot were promising, and we consistently saw a higher rate of positive update experiences for devices identified using ML. For the April 2018 Update rollout, we will expand our use of ML to identify the devices ready to update, incorporating things like additional compatibility data. This will allow us to deliver updates to devices as fast as possible while providing even better customer experiences. With the April 2018 Update, we have also further shortened the amount of time your device is offline during updates up to 63% compared to the Windows 10 Creators Update. The April 2018 Update will follow the same phased rollout approach of proactively monitoring all available feedback and update experience data and making the appropriate product updates during the rollout.

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle

Want the Windows 10 April 2018 Update now? Start by manually checking for updates

While we encourage you to wait until the update is offered to your device, if you’re an advanced user on an actively serviced version of Windows 10 and would like to install the Windows 10 April 2018 update now, you can do so by manually checking for updates. In the Search tab, type “Settings”. On the Settings page, navigate to Update & security > Windows Update.

Once there, simply click “Check for updates” to begin the download and installation process. You can also watch this video that outlines how to get the April 2018 Update.

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle


















Download Windows 10 ISO 1803

If you’re using a Windows 10 PC at work, you will need to check with your IT administrator for details on your organization’s specific plans to update.

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle

Semi-Annual Channel released

For our commercial customers, the release of the Windows 10, version 1803 on April 30, 2018 marks the start of the Semi-Annual Channel and begins the 18-month servicing timeline. Just as we’re rolling out the April 2018 Update in phases to consumers, we recommend IT administrators do the same within their organizations. Start with targeted deployments to validate that apps, devices, and infrastructure used by your organization work well with the new release. Then continue your deployment to more and more devices based on the results from your initial targeted deployments. Just as we use data to guide our consumer rollout, commercial customers are encouraged to use our Windows Analytics offering to improve and facilitate their own rollout. Devices configured to take advantage of Windows Update for Business (WUfB) will be automatically migrated to this Semi-Annual Channel feature update based on your WUfB configurations, starting today. The update is now available through both Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and WUfB. For an overview of what’s new and what’s changed, please see What’s new for IT pros in Windows 10, version 1803.


How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle

The April 2018 Update provides the latest features, security protections, and comes with updated controls for privacy settings

Being on the latest version of Windows 10, the April 2018 Update, provides you with the latest features and provides the latest security protections to help keep you safer. As I’ve noted before, we continue to improve Windows 10 mitigations to protect against unwanted threats and vulnerabilities. To know which version of Windows your device is running, check here.

The April 2018 Update also includes changes to the set-up experience for privacy settings. This new design conveys focused information to help our customers make informed choices about their privacy and offers two new settings for Inking & Typing and Find my device. Not everyone will experience the same set up, however. For example, some will review their settings through a single screen set up and others will review their settings via a multiple screen set up where required by law. Some users may be required to review and choose their privacy settings before they can finish installing the April 2018 Update. All customers can review and update their privacy settings at any time in Start > Settings > Privacy. You can find out more about the new Privacy settings experience in this March blog.

We hope you enjoy the April 2018 Update and encourage you to tell us about your experience by providing comments or suggestions via the Feedback Hub app.

How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update WhizzleShamizzle

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