Tinder results maximized for more dates
Tinder results maximized for more dates sounds really exciting, so come on a journey with GeGeek to help you get more dates.
How to get the most matches on Tinder
Most of your single mates might love to hate it, but Tinder’s still home to the biggest pool of singles. And if you’re looking to up your matches, we’ve got you covered.
In an age where almost everything is done digitally, it’s no surprise that people rarely meet face-to-face these days.
If anything, people are less likely to meet on a night out and more likely to link up on a night in … while curled up on the couch — trash TV humming in the background — swiping left and right to what could be on Tinder.
The dating game has changed. And it can be exhausting.
So spare your thumb the fatigue of swiping aimlessly and turn your attention to where it should be: on your Tinder profile.
There is an art to perfecting that thing and once you have, the matches should come flooding in. So if you’d like to nail your Tinder game, please take notes.

First and foremost, the most beneficial thing you can do is actually use the platform. And regularly. Not just after a crap date, not just when you’re bored or feeling frisky — use it regularly.
It’s simple math: there’s no point having a dating app with the largest user base if you’re not even active on it. While 2019 data isn’t available, there were more than 50 million users on Tinder in 2016 (though it’s unclear how many of those profiles are inactive or just bots). Of that 50 million, only 10 million are active daily users (this is the group you want to be in). Make a habit of checking the app at least once a day for new potential matches.

But it’s not enough to just be active. Being active at the right time can make all the difference.
According to Tinder’s most ‘swiped right’ man — British model Stefan-Pierre Tomlin — it pays to be on the app later in the day.
Tomlin claims Sunday afternoon at about 2pm is the best time to ramp up the matches, as users are often recovering from a big night out.
“It’s because everyone is so hungover, feeling a bit sorry for themselves,” Tomlin told The Sun. Based on his personal experience, he added: “People are also trying to plan their week with dates in the future.”
As for during the week, Tomlin recommends swiping after 10.30pm.
“When people are scrolling through Instagram right before bed, they’re gonna have a cheeky look at Tinder too,” he said.
Tomlin suggests using the Facebook algorithm to your advantage, to help match with people that share your hobbies and interests.
“Tinder goes by the Facebook algorithm so if you ‘like’ a page — let’s say, the Lamborghini page — it will match you with people who like Lamborghini’s on Facebook first,” he said.
“That’s how it works.”
Brace yourself, your lover with a sports car could be just a swipe away.
They’re the first things that pop up and let’s be real, most people are too lazy to read a bio, so your photos need to be top notch. In a survey of 1000 Tinder users, 33 per cent of male respondents said the photo was the most important part of a person’s profile.
Both men and women also said that the biggest turn-off in a photo was having a group of people and no clear indication of who the profile owner is (spoiler alert: it usually belongs to the least attractive one).
Aside from the cardinal ‘group photo’ sin, there are a few other shots that will instantly put a potential match off-side.

Now that you know what not to do, here’s a few things you should definitely try.
Use quality images: And by quality, we don’t just mean ditch the grainy ones that look like they were taken with a potato. Using pics where your face is clearly visible is a plus for users. In fact, wearing sunnies or hats can reduce your swipe rate by 15 and 12 per cent (respectively), according to Tinder.
Keep it candid, mix it up: Social media can sometimes feel like candid photos are a thing of the past, but they’re the ones that do best on Tinder. Users tend to cringe at photos that are too posed or feel inauthentic, so Tomlin recommends a mixture of photos that showcase both your casual and dressier looks.
Relationship expert Samantha Jayne says this is the key to attracting your kind of person.
“A picture says a thousand words so make sure your photos tell a story and show your personality,” she told news.com.au. “Have a mix of a head shot, body shot, action shot. Look like your having fun and have a sense of adventure.”
Showcase your hobbies: Tinder should not be a gallery of your messiest nights out. Rather, Tomlin urges users to “show” rather than “tell” people what they enjoy doing. “Show photos of you doing your interests instead of just partying with your mates. So if you like horse-riding, put that in there,” he said. Photos that show you genuinely having fun work best.
Include a holiday snap: Tinder only allows users to upload six images so it’s important that you make them count. A sexy holiday photo is one way to present yourself in the best light, flaunting your free-spirited nature and bod in one go. And Mr Tinder says beach selfies are a safe bet. “People with blue in their photos — whether that’s graffiti or the ocean or bright blue skies — get more swipes than others,” he claims.
Smile: While girls love to pout through selfies and guys think doing Blue Steel will get them a swipe, it’s actually counter-productive. Tinder reports that smiling instead of sexy pouting or doing bedroom eyes ups your chances of a match by 14 per cent. “It shows you’re fun and don’t take yourself too seriously,” claims Tomlin.
“Too many sexy selfies and the sultry looks, that will attract the wrong type of man and you’ll look high maintenance,” agrees Samantha Jayne. “The same goes for shirtless pics for the guys.”
Make eye contact: This is not a green light to stare down the barrel of the camera like a serial killer, but “face forward” photos as opposed to artsy, side profile shots up your chances of being swiped right by 20 per cent.
Add some color: When you only have 0.5 seconds to impress the swiper, it helps to stand out. Tinder’s own stats reveal that 72 per cent of users wear neutral colors in their first photo and it’s not doing them any favors.
If your wardrobe is a minimalist’s dream and wearing bright colors inspires feelings of extreme self-loathing, taking a nice, presentable photo and throwing it on a brightly colored background could also do the trick. Tomlin recommends “yellow or blue”.
While there’s no fail-proof formula for the perfect bio, the most important thing is to make sure it’s a true reflection of you. Avoid vague, clichéd lines — “Looking for the Bonnie to my Clyde” — and keep it lighthearted.
And let’s be clear, having no bio is never a good option. An empty bio screams catfish and no one wants that.
Tomlin suggests cracking a joke, as a “short, catchy and funny” bio will leave users with a lasting impression. But don’t reveal too much. “Short and snappy is always better because you want to give someone the chance to talk to you,” he said.
“If you give away too much in your bio, then there’s not much to talk about.”
Keep it short: Tinder has a 500 character limit for a reason, no one wants a novel. Aim for about half of those characters to mention something interesting about yourself (as a conversation starter).

Be open, not obnoxious: It’s amazing how one sentence can instantly make you want to slap someone. And if you’ve achieved that with your Tinder bio, then you’re doing it wrong. There’s a fine line between confident and obnoxious, so it’s best to aim for informative but natural. Writing conversationally will ensure you don’t come across cocky.
Keep it focused: Your Tinder bio is not the place to try and cram in your life story. Include a hobby or two if you’re comfortable doing that, or perhaps a favorite quote from a film or novel that you love. The point is: keep it brief.
Relate back to your photos: If you’re really struggling for inspiration, try and write your bio in keeping with the photos you’ve chosen. For example, maybe you have some photographs at the beach with friends or surfing — use that as a starting point to describe your ideal beach date to your potential matches.

While it’s not ideal to pay for dating apps — especially if you’re on a few — upgrading your Tinder account could make all the difference. (Disclaimer: this is not sponsored by Tinder).
“You’ll be surprised at how much this will help you get a more specific targeted result,” Samantha Jayne said.
It’s all thanks to the added features, including Rewind (in case you accidentally swiped left on a 10/10), more Super Likes (if that’s your jam), Boost (a 30-minute window during which yours will be one of the top profiles in the area) and unlimited likes. And wait for it — you get to play with the location feature.
Tomlin argues this is the biggest hack for not only boosting matches, but guaranteeing more accurate ones.
“If you want to meet a doctor, all you have to do is pay for a premium account and it allows you to move your pin to anywhere in the world or any part of the country.
“If you move your pin into one of these private hospitals and set your proximity to 1km and adapt your bio accordingly to something medical related, I guarantee you’ll probably match with a doctor,” he said.
After dropping his pin on a modelling agency in LA, Tomlin insists, “It proper worked. Every single swipe was a match.”
Already sold? Get all the details on how to upgrade here.

Can we just take a moment to discuss Super Liking?
For those who aren’t aware, every Tinder user is granted one free Super Like a day (unless you buy more or upgrade to Tinder Plus/Gold). So users are encouraged to dole it out wisely by swiping up or hitting the star button below the photo. The person you Super Liked will then be notified before they make their own swiping decision.
According to Tinder, it increases your chances of being noticed by three times and conversations started through a Super Like are 70 per cent longer.
The function was introduced to boost engagement and allow users to easily let someone know if they truly and really dig them.
Sure, it gets you noticed … but sometimes for the wrong reasons. Super Liking is almost like going on a date with someone who starts discussing how soon they want marriage and kids over dessert. It can be a little off-putting and may come across as desperate to others (harsh, but true).
So do yourself a favor: save the Super Likes, follow the tips above and wait for the matches to come flooding in. Happy swiping!
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